Note to self: Do not do a long reclining pose with your arm above your head ever again. Ever.
Not there are any comfortable poses, mind you. Don’t believe me? OK, why don’t you go lie down on the couch. Go ahead, get comfy. Put one arm above your head, put your other arm wherever you want (yes, you can put it in your pants, if that’s what moves you). All set? Now, hold that same pose for 30 minutes. You can fall asleep, but just don’t move. How’s that arm feeling? (Um, the one above your head, perv.) Is it asleep? Does it tingle? But wait! There’s more! Get back into that pose and hold it for another hour. It’s OK. I’ll wait for you. *whistles while filing nails*
Oh, you poor baby. Are you a bit stiff (ahem)? Feeling a kink in your neck? Got a spasm? Yeah, now you know how I feel, and you will believe me when I tell you that there are no comfortable poses.
I meant for this to be a longer post, but I must go model. We’ll talk about this more tomorrow, in addition to revisiting the importance of music while modeling, strange requests, and other odd fodder.
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