Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our friend's first time

Today we went to our local nude beach with a friend of ours for her first nudist experience. The weather was warm, the sun was shining, there was only a light breeze, and the water was clear (though a bit chilly).

When we first arrived there was already a lot of people on the beach but we managed to find a nice spot near the water. I stripped down as soon as we set up camp but my wife and our friend (I’ll call her Sarah) kept their swimsuits on at first. After we had a picnic lunch, my wife took her top off to sunbathe her upper body properly. Sarah kept her top on a lot longer, we could tell she was a bit nervous, especially since more and more people were coming onto the beach. Eventually she decided to go through with it and took it off too and really began to enjoy herself. When you’re spending your time trying to decide whether or not you want to take your clothes off at a nude beach, feeling anxious about exposing your body you enjoy yourself less than if you simply bite the bullet, take it off, and realize that it’s not bad at all.

We went swimming a few times, the first time I was nude, my wife was topless, and Sarah was wearing her whole suit. The last time we went in we were all naked, enjoying ourselves and the water. This was probably the best time we had swimming of them all. Once the suits come off everyone is free to act as unihibited as they’d like, having a good time without care or worry. It was all just innocent fun, free of bathing suits and social barriers between people.

Everyone had a good time today, especially once they began to relax and take of their bathing suits. When you’ve shown yourself to your friends like that and realized that they don’t judge your body, they don’t stare or gawk at your ‘private’ places, they don’t sexualize your body, they simply accept all of you for who you are without criticism, it’s much easier to be open and intimate with them on other levels.

[Via http://christiannudist.wordpress.com]

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