Monday, January 11, 2010

Destroying you a little so that you may rise

(originally posted 11/10/09)

This month the Naked Girls read letters:  love letters, hate letters, fan letters, stalker letters, etc.  The theme was originally Naked Girls Fall in Love.   Hmmm…not the easiest theme for me to work with.  I honestly didn’t know where to begin and I was terrified.

I’m not a romantic, I’m a bit cynical, and if you were to tell me I’m a little jaded too…well…I don’t know that I could argue that.  When I first started gathering ideas for the readings, I couldn’t get this saying out of my head:  Naked Girls fall in AND out of love.  I couldn’t help it.  To me, it just seemed like a topic that should come full circle.  Now don’t get me wrong, I strongly believe in love and I don’t think that all great things must come to an end.  However, I find that the pain from life’s situations and experiences are greatly intensified because of love.   I also believe that this pain is something we need to embrace.  In writing this, I’m reminded of a quote by William Faulkner: ”Given the choice between experiencing pain and nothing, I would choose pain”.  Love and pain are too deeply intertwined to be separated, they will always be holding hands.

The Hurt

I have hurt you, my dear,

I have torn your soul.

Understand me.

Everyone knows who I am,

but that “I am”

is besides a man

for you.

In you I waver, fall

and rise up burning.

You among all beings

have the right

to see me weak.

And your little hand

of bread and guitar

must touch my breast

when it goes off to fight.

That’s why I seek you in the firm stone.

Harsh hands I sink into your blood

seeking your firmness

and the depth that I need,

and if I find

only your metallic laughter, if I find

nothing on which to support my harsh steps

adored one, accept

my sadness and my anger,

my enemy hands

destroying you a little

so that you may rise from the clay

refashioned for my struggles.

~Pablo Neruda


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